Our School
Founded in 1968, Woodinville Family Preschool is a cooperative venture offering early learning experiences for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, as well as education and support for their caregivers.
Our cooperative preschool provides a unique opportunity for educators, caregivers, and children to engage together in an enriching, developmentally-appropriate, and playful environment. Research has shown that children whose caregivers actively participate in their education are more likely to be successful during their school years. With the guidance of highly-qualified educators, caregivers gain knowledge in child development and guidance techniques as well as hands-on experience in developing their parenting skills.
Benefits for Children
- Explore individual creativity and open-ended projects in a nurturing, respectful environment.
- Learn problem-solving skills and gain confidence in academic and social abilities.
- Build a foundation in early literacy and math.
- Develop at their own pace emotionally, physically, socially, and cognitively.
- Experience a gentle and positive transition from home to the school environment.
Benefits for Caregivers
- Participate in bi-weekly, in-class lectures and discussions.
- Hear a variety of child development topics presented by educational speakers at quarterly evening meetings.
- Care about other children and know that others care about your child.
- Directly and meaningfully contribute to the operation of the preschool program.