1 Day A


Thursday   9:00 am – 10:45 am
12 adults / 12 children
Parent/caregiver participates each class

Daily Schedule

  • Free Play/Parenting Education
  • Circle Time
  • Snack Time
  • Outdoor Play

1 Day B


Thursday   11:15 am – 1:00 pm
12 adults / 12 children
Parent/caregiver participates each class

Daily Schedule

  • Free Play/Parenting Education
  • Circle Time
  • Snack Time
  • Outdoor Play

In the 1-Day preschool groups, children build on the experiences they had as toddlers. Sensory experiences are still a vital part of the curriculum, and we add early science and cooking experiences. Themes included in the Toddler and One Day classes are designed in a two-year rotational sequence to allow children to have different experiences in each of these classes. Songs and finger plays continue to be important, and are given greater meaning by relating them to favorite books, felt board stories, simple group games, and other language experiences.

Parent Education in this class focuses on emotion coaching, supporting children’s development, learning conflict resolution techniques, and child/caregiver relationships.